Sunday, August 30, 2015

A funny thing happen on the way to therapy

"Maybe everyone does not deserve to know the real you. Let them
criticize who they think you are."

Friday, August 28, 2015

Beach Chair Therapy

"Everyone should believe in something. I believe I should go to the beach."


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Front Porch Psychology-Therapy

"A patient enters therapy insisting that he wants to change, but more often than not,
what they really desire is to remain the same and to get the therapist to make them feel better."

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stopped to Ponder-Ego

Ego is the persistence of animal instinct from an earlier part of the brain. The frontal cortex emerged later and allows thinking. However, the thinking is then used for animal goals [...] We now have rivalry and the quest for domination via the intellect, rather than teeth, claws, etc.”
— Dr. David Hawkins, Sedona Seminar, October 2003

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Clean Well Lighted Place

It was very late and everyone had left the cafe,
except an old man who sat in the
shadows. In the day time the street was dusty,
 but at night the dew settled the
dust. The old man liked to sit late because he was deaf
and now at night it was
quiet and he felt the difference. The two waiters inside the cafe
knew that the old
man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they
knew if he became to
drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him...


Arman Ayva
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Inside The Sane Asylum-Chuckle MeSum

"If people understood the most important things in life, there would be
A shortage of fishing poles."

Chuckle MeSum
Homesteader, The Sane Asylum
Living on the brink and a little amused by it all.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Inside The Sane Asylum-The Shadow

"Be the witness of your thoughts."

N D Shadow
The Umber in us all
VISA holder, The Sane Asylum

Monday, August 17, 2015

Stopped To Ponder Series

Your unconscious does not belong to belong to your unconscious.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Front Porch Psychology-The Self

"Become friends with your Pretender...It needs you."

Your character is fundamental, but your Persona is an illusion and subject to change.
Take care of your future,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

From The Road-The Fisherman

As I approached, he looked up and with a smile, said
"The weather is here, wish you were beautiful."
He was from up north but moved here years ago. Said his
fishing got in the way of working,so he gave up working.

I told him the fisherman down the way said he had hooked an eight foot shark, but it got away.

He quipped, "Nothing grows faster than when a fish is hooked till the time
it gets away." "You know," he said, "fishing for me has never been about the fish,
so I spend most of my time fishing, the rest I just waste." He asked me if I knew the secret
to getting your wife to let you go fishing every day. I told him I was always interested in secrets.
"Well, set your alarm for 4:30 am and nudge your wife and ask, fishing or sex. Said his wife would roll over
and remind him to lock the door on his way out." As I bid him farewell, I wished him luck. He said, "As
Hemingway once wrote...Its better to be lucky, but I had rather be exact. Then when luck happens you are ready for it."

His name is...Marven

Stopped To Ponder Series

Dr Ego Prozac shared cassandra estrop's post with you.
cassandra estrop
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The Sane Asylum Nature Series

After a strong Nor'easter you might get lucky. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Sane Asylum Nature Series

"Sail on!" it says, "sail on, ye stately ships!
  And with your floating bridge the ocean span;
Be mine to guard this light from all eclipse,
  Be yours to bring man nearer unto man

H W Longfellow
The Lighthouse at St. Augustine 

From the Road...I was told to take highway 13 out of Eunice and go about nine miles until I get to Bayou Portage and I would see a Creole house with a porch painted bright yellow. Could not miss it. They were was right where it was supposed to be.

I knocked on the front door screen, but a voice from inside told me to, "Go around back." I entered through the back door as most folks do in this part of Acadiana.

She greeted me from her small wooded kitchen table. The room was full of straight back chairs and one rocker next to the cooking fireplace. She asked me, "Are you one of them Yankees from up North?" I told her I was from North Louisiana. She said, "Yep, you are a Yankee." After a laugh or two she confessed that she would not hold that against me.

She was one of those exotic creatures that feels so comfortable in their skins that it some how   makes you feel a little less than ordinary. She was a kind soul. Her long gray hair was pulled back and tied with a purple cotton scarf. Around her neck and ankles were dimes tied together with a knotted string. She wore a handmade Jobs Tear Rosary around her wrist. Her hands, showing a well lived life, rested on what looked like thirty or forty pages of hand written French verse. She noticed my curiosity and said, "This is my third great grandfather's Saint Suaire. He wrote these prayers in 1755 during the Grand Derangement in Nova Scotia. He called it his Holy Bier."

I asked if the prayers had any special powers? She begin to explain that each prayer contained a healing power for different ailments and if you carry the Holy Bier with you at all times, it will let you know three days before you die. She seemed quiet content about knowing that fate.

She said, "You keep looking at my dimes." I told her they did peek my curiosity. "Well," she said, they are to protect me from Gris-Gris or evil spell. I don't practice Vodur, but I just like to be on the safe side."

She insisted we have second breakfast as they call it in these parts. It consisted of Tasso and Red Boudin, all the while giving me a lesson on the difference between Vodur and Traiteur. While they are both folk beliefs, Traiteurs are considered faith healers and the special powers are passed from one generation to the other. She experienced the powers from her mother.

She related, "We do not pass spells, practice voodoo or hoodoo. We are healers."

We talked the morning away about her life and about all things that make up her beautiful world. She raised seven children with her husband of 70 years. I remember her statement about raising children. She related, "You know we don't need an instruction manual to raise our children. All you need to do is live our life and let them observe to adjust to life when it hands you a bum deal is learned, you know..."

It was a great morning spent with a grand lady. As I was leaving out the back way, she asked, "Ego, if you could choose any of my prayers for healing, which one would you choose?"

What a lesson in that question...without pause, I replied, "I would choose the prayer to heal a troubled mind." She looked at me with those dark Cajun eyes asked, "If I agree to teach you that prayer, would you promise not to tell..."

Her name was Lena Chopin...Ego

Monday, August 10, 2015

From The Road Series-Ole Opossum Man

From The Road...I came across him walking just outside the small town of White Springs located on the banks of the Suwannee River. Three young boys in a pickup were passing and jeering, "Move out of the way old opossum man".

I slowed to a stop and asked him if I could give him a lift. He looked me directly in the eyes and said "Well fellow,  you do know that the direction your headed is a lot more important than how fast you get there." I just knew he would have a good sense of see I was headed in the opposite direction.

Sure enough, he had a opossum on a rope, sitting on his shoulder. He was carrying a brand new galvanized silver trash can. About a 50 gallon I would guess. The trash can went in the back and the ole man with the opossum crawled in the front next to me and we headed out to what he called "his refuge".

As he was trying to figure out how to fasten the seat belt, he leaned over and said, "When you are mean and angry, it means you got fear in you." I asked him if he was talking about those boys? "Yep," he said. "You know anger is what happens to you when you feel you have no control." Before I could respond he asked, "you got any control issues?"

He was a bright, witty  and intelligent  man. Educated himself and has read more Great Masters of art, literature and history than yours truly. He had on a clean pair of denim coveralls over a black t shirt and a pair of well worn brogans. The opossum never moved and never took his eyes from my eyes.

He asked me if I trusted people? "Enough that I have had my share of disappointments," I answered. He said, "That's know people who do not trust, cannot be trusted." We talked about trust and how we put trust in our thoughts. I think he summed it up quiet well as he stroked the opossum, " You can't always trust what you think. Sometimes your mind just likes to put on a show."

We talked about his story, the loss of his family, and his general take on life as we approached the dirt road leading to his refuge. He said he did not see much need in talking about yesterday, cause yesterday he was a different man. He smiled and said, "I read that in Alice in Wonderland. Today I am looking for my new metanoia."

As we arrived, I could see it was indeed a refuge...but his refuge. I did not want to disturb his sacred space and bid him fare well just outside the car. He was appreciative and as he walked away I heard him say, "Remember  Ego, the direction you are  going is a lot more important than how fast you get there."
He turned around as I opened the car door and called out, "The opossum...well...he just needed a human." Tipped his hat and walked away with his opossum and his new galvanized trash can...

They say that one who is wise through reflection and experience is considered a Sage...

His name is Ian...
The Opossum's name is...Critter


Sunday, August 9, 2015

From The Road...The Biology of Love

From The Road Series

Dr Ego Prozac
From The Road...our conversation was not just about love, it was centered wholly on the biology of love. He was first introduced to the subject by Humberto Maturana through his study of cognition, language and how we know... He felt that Love is the grounding of our existence as humans, and the basic emotioning in the systemic identity as human beings...he studied with Humberto in Chile before the revolution in the 1960's and he gave me a better understanding of how language and the domain of linguistics is a biological phenomenon.

His wife was a beautiful and alluring soul. She stepped onto the screen porch with a basket full of fresh flowers she had just cut. Daisies and Mexican Petunias. She gave him a smile and a quick peck on the forehead and announced, "I will leave you fine gents to your folly."

I asked him how long they had been married? He said, " Sixty years in October. You know Ego, when you are old, all that counts is love itself. But it is all that should have ever counted all along."

It was not his academics or understanding of human knowing that stirred my imagination, but it was the quote by Somerset Maugham that gave me the greatest pause...

" We are not the same persons this year as last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person."

His name is Pablo...

The Biology of Love...Ego
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Thursday, August 6, 2015

From Inside The Sane Asylum

"Hallelujah! Dr Ego says I am having delusions of adequacy."

Jes B Rambling

JES B RAMBLING-it is Jes B in present tense and Jes Been in past tense. Jes is a pilgrim and not seen a lot in public, but on occasions he will have something to point out. He usually likes to do nothing and seems he never gets finished of doing nothing. He relates often, that if you never start anything you will never have to finish.  Jes has a gift of finding Hysterical Sites. He will ponder and investigate well  before he documents his findings. He is credited with documenting several pseudo normal sites in The Sane Asylum. The best time to catch one of Jes's post will be when he is wandering around with purpose. In those states he is usually accompanied by our In Resident Photographer, Dado. He likes to piddle around with some of the homesteaders but his whereabouts are usually unknown.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Front Porch Psychology Series

Did you know that your instincts are inherited and they are thought
to be a part of your DNA. However, your emotional response for your instincts
are learned behavior. Who did you learn yours from?


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

From Inside The Sane Asylum-Mr Bill

Question to Mr Bill

Mr Bill, what do you think about Social Networking?

"Porcupines never huddle together for warmth on a cold day."
MR BILL-96 year old Bar B Q Pitt master. He is an uncommon man that has made peace with it all. He might lie a little bit to make up a good story but you will never feel cheated. He will only post when he is asked a question. He smells like smoke and plays solitary when he's not making up a good story...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Front Porch Psychology

"All of our behavior is like our genetics...
It is conservative by nature and will repeat only what works for you , good or bad."


Sunday, August 2, 2015

From Inside The Sane Asylum

"Why do we always put our stuff where we can forget where we put it?"

Les Wrong
Therapy in progress. Do not disturb any further.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

From Inside The Sane Asylum

How's your vibes?

When referring to your emotions and feelings, replace them with the word vibe.
Becomes a tad easier to understand and we can measure a vibe by reference
of Frequency, Intensity and Duration. You could call it your FID rating.

We could greet each other by saying, "what's your FID score today?"

If anyone out there really does this, please let me know. I will send
Jes B Rambling out to visit you and see if you qualify
as a hysterical site...

Dr I B Thinking
Linguistic Medicine Man
The Sane Asylum

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...