Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Inside The Sane Asylum

            “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

P.s. Thanks +John Millwee for sharing the quote...Ego
Insidethesaneasylum.blogspot.com, dregoprozac.blogspot.com

Life Inside The Sane Asylum

From the road...
Dr Ego Prozac
I stopped to pick up some fresh corn that was given to me by JD The Philosopher, and spotted this funny ole tree...I thought you might like to see a tree in The Sane Asylum. Most aren't not this histrionic. This tree sits on the homestead property of J D. If you remember, J D said he could have been an astronaut, but who in the hell wants to ride a rocket. He had a good garden this year. In spite of the rain. He gave me his last 50 or so ears of corn. Quiet a character with a funny ole tree...Ego

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