Conversation Between Dr. Ego and Jes B. Rambling
Sometimes spelled with two s’es.
Journal Entry: 1/8/18
Jes: “Hey Doc, did you know that English has a phenomenon whereby so called “objective” pronouns, (just like ordinary noun phrases)are actually used as the subjects of gerundives, whereas the subject forms are unusual in this case. For example: If a gerund is a noun that can have special properties such as using an adverb, why is that OK as a property of the gerund, but using the "objective" form for the subject isn't?
Doc: “Well Jes, my recommendation would be to just say and write the form that feels most natural to you. If you feel that (c) sounds like natural English to you, then great. If (a) feels more natural to you, but you feel compelled to use (c) anyway because of some piece of linguistic etiquette based on spurious argumentation, then by all means use (c), but it's worth recognising that that's what you're doing...and besides Jes, never bet against me being stupid...
P.s. Doc is the tall one