Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Entry Note To Self...quietness

My Quiet Space

Coolness To The Air

Sitting in my quiet space this morning...just listening… to the gentle breeze that made her visit early in the morning.  I noticed her presence around midnight. She silently passed in the night leaving a renewed freshness to all that resides in Nature. ..That gentle hush as you feel her cool change seeping inward.

Notice there. A bird hovering around the fountain. Just a glimpse . Ah...just as I thought, my winged messenger, the Cardinal. I'm quietly thinking… "where's your mate? Is it really true that it could be a visit of you? From the saintly world, I presume? Maybe just a visit to wish me health? Whoever you are, I pause and honor your space."

"I feel your breeze of the night...and hear your melody as you stroll through the wind chimes, tuned to the pitch of G... I listen now… for the farthest sound…only silence of the breeze and the steady thump of my heart."...Doc

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...