Sunday, August 30, 2015

A funny thing happen on the way to therapy

"Maybe everyone does not deserve to know the real you. Let them
criticize who they think you are."

1 comment:

  1. In this life, there will be many who think they know you. If you're a kindhearted being, willing and happy to help others along the way, you may be doubted as someone with an hidden agenda, or too good to be true. If this isn't enough, there will be others who may view your kindness as a form of weakness. I didn't come into this world for a popularity contest, however it's obvious people don't need reasons to criticized anyone. I remember once someone brought to my attention what others had said about me. I couldn't believe they were actually wasting time. Let people come to their own conclusion, never give them a point of reference, they don't deserve to know you...just ask the Doc!


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