Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stopped to Ponder

Most people go through life believing that they are this story, believing that they are the thoughts they are thinking,
instead of the essence that is experiencing those thoughts

A funny thing happened on the way to therapy...

Imagine this scenario: you have been living your entire life shackled to an imaginary story of who you are. Your story tells you that you're this way and that way, with a fixed personality. And you believe so strongly that this story defines you, but in truth it has nothing whatsoever to do with reality -- it's simply a fanciful construct of the mind.

... for most of us this isn't just a wacky scenario, it's our everyday reality! And because of our constricted inner stories, we live lives of perpetual suffering.

Beach Chair Therapy

When I hear someone say, "stop living in the past."
I think to myself...but the music was so much better then.

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...