Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum-dr I B Thinking

"I think you might have a very common linguistic virus...it's called  dumb ass thinking."

Sorry for the bad language Dr Ego. Pay me a little more for these blog post and I will clean it up.

Dr I B Thinking


DR I B THINKING-is one of the original homesteaders and quiet active with his post to the public. The problem is Dr I B's brain wave vibes are a little different than most. His advice is usually well thought out, but you may need brain optimization treatment to understand his thinking. He believes language has created all of our illusion of beliefs about who we are, and if we can make that distinction,
we can change our beliefs which will change our reality. He seems to be playing the role of a linguistic medicine man. He likes his bow ties a lot!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Front Porch Psychology Series-Only choices

There are no answers to your life's questions...there are only choices...and those my dear friends,
we must "learn" to live with. So let's don't victimize our past until we fully encounter our future.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

From the Road...I stopped to pick up some...

J D the Philosopher...
Dr Ego Prozac
I stopped to pick up some fresh corn that was given to me by JD The Philosopher, and spotted this funny ole tree...I thought you might like to see a tree in The Sane Asylum. Most are not this histrionic. This tree sits on the homestead property of J D. If you remember, J D said he could have been an astronaut, but who in the hell wants to ride a rocket. He had a good garden this year. In spite of the rain. He gave me his last 50 or so ears of corn. Quiet a character with a funny ole tree...Ego

Astronaut quote from Paul Barker

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum-Chuckle MeSum

"Go cut some cheese with a line of latitude."

Chuckle MeSum

Chuckle MeSum is one of the original homesteaders. Years back, he tried to organize a group of misfits called Three Quarter Time. The group could not go that fast and decided they did not like being labeled anyway. Chuckle is from the FAR edge of the brink, looking for gold, and a little amused by it all. He always seems to be on the wrong path but in the right direction. A lot like Hither and Yun. He likes fishing, but needs to get a new bow line. Seems he keeps snagging Jes Ben Rambling on the frayed ole rope. Jes Ben Rambling called it "Sorry ass line. One needs gloves just to handle the line!"  Chuckle has a keen ear for sound and good music. The Sane Asylum Hysterical Society is encouraging him to open Sane Asylum Radio. It will occupy a small space in The Shit Creek Paddle Shop. He may embellish a fish tale just to see who might get hooked.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Front Porch Psychology Series...regression to the mean

Are you normal if you have perfect adjustment in an abnormal society?

Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies...


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stopped to Ponder Series-choices

I'm not sure what questions will be answered in the future, that may prove the decisions we are making today were detrimental to our well being...Ego

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum-Dado

A little known fact...
The first testicular guard "cup" was used in hockey in 1874, and the first helmet was used in 1974.
It took 100 years for men to realize that the brain is also important.

      In Resident Photographer

                                                        Dado- is our in resident photographer and IT consultant. He claims to be the It in us all, but  he thinks we have just never got around to It. Research has proven that the person taking a picture remembers less about a photo moment than the ones in the picture. You could say he is sacrificing his memory so the citizens of The Sane Asylum can have theirs. He's working on a camera filter that will filter out a person's beliefs as he takes their picture. He feels this will be a true image of the Neekid Self. Something to think about?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sane Quotes Series

Dr Ego Prozac shared Linda De Paep's post with you.

An Endangered Species...Ego

Linda De Paep
A library is a hospital for the mind
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Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Stopped to Ponder Series-One Moment Before We Go...

Dr Ego Prozac shared Gabriele Corno's post with you.

Stopped to Ponder one last time before we go...
Gabriele Corno
One Moment........... by rondajorda241 #beach 
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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

Stopped to Ponder Series-Bananas

We are selfish by nature. Ruled by our emotions and heavily influenced  by
the same primitive instincts that helped humans survive, before agriculture and civilization became established.

Power, Control and Going Bananas

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Front Porch Psychology Series-judging others

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes...that way, if
they get mad about their shoes missing, you will be a mile away and they will be barefooted.

Take care of your future

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Sane Asylum Classic Series-The pause that refreshes

Dr Ego Prozac shared Juan BURGAÑA's post with you.
Why would this not go in the Classic Series...

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum

"I just had a think...had one of those lately?"
Izzy IsNess

Izzy is a Gypsy girl that pulls her companion around in her wagon.
She lives in one of those minimalist shipping container houses down by the branch.
Says she came here from somewhere else, but we think she has been here all along.
She always has a smile on her face. Like she knows something we don't.
Izzy claims to be the Is Ness in us all.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Spirit of Music Series-Beth Hart and Jo Bonomassa

Dr Ego Prozac shared John Millwee's post with you. I chose this post from John because it reflects the spirit of music and the condition of human moments...plus it's some really good music...Ego
Beth Hart and Jo Bonomassa
John Millwee

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sane Quote Series

Dr Ego Prozac shared Rose Delacroix's post with you. Reflects the best in thought and beauty...


Rose Delacroix
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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...