My daily walk...the beach after a storm yields many surprises. Mostly the surprise of human garbage. Seems the sea spits it out as a reminder to care more deeply for our planet. Cool morning, strong east wind from a new Hurricane spinning in the middle of the Atlantic making high tide a tricky walk. My eyes fixed on the litter of plastic. Bottles, storage bags, pvc pipe, bic lighters, caps, sun glasses, and shoes looking for their mate.
Then among the debris and sea weed you caught my traveled far. The Amazon Jungle or perhaps the mountains of Costa Rica. Your mother is called Monkey Ladder. A sea pod that can grow three feet long, and as they fall to the jungle floor you emerge and float from the streams, to the rivers, then the ocean caught by the Gulf Stream and pushed ashore by Matthew. Were you really the reason Columbus sailed further west in search of your origin?
Legend has it that you bring good luck to the finder and they will have a blessing. Legend also tells, if the finder gives you to another, the other, will live a blessed and full life...Sea Heart they call you...
You as a possession I will not keep,
for you will bless a life,
that may well touch another so deep...Doc
Then among the debris and sea weed you caught my traveled far. The Amazon Jungle or perhaps the mountains of Costa Rica. Your mother is called Monkey Ladder. A sea pod that can grow three feet long, and as they fall to the jungle floor you emerge and float from the streams, to the rivers, then the ocean caught by the Gulf Stream and pushed ashore by Matthew. Were you really the reason Columbus sailed further west in search of your origin?
Legend has it that you bring good luck to the finder and they will have a blessing. Legend also tells, if the finder gives you to another, the other, will live a blessed and full life...Sea Heart they call you...
You as a possession I will not keep,
for you will bless a life,
that may well touch another so deep...Doc