Sunday, August 9, 2015

From The Road...The Biology of Love

From The Road Series

Dr Ego Prozac
From The Road...our conversation was not just about love, it was centered wholly on the biology of love. He was first introduced to the subject by Humberto Maturana through his study of cognition, language and how we know... He felt that Love is the grounding of our existence as humans, and the basic emotioning in the systemic identity as human beings...he studied with Humberto in Chile before the revolution in the 1960's and he gave me a better understanding of how language and the domain of linguistics is a biological phenomenon.

His wife was a beautiful and alluring soul. She stepped onto the screen porch with a basket full of fresh flowers she had just cut. Daisies and Mexican Petunias. She gave him a smile and a quick peck on the forehead and announced, "I will leave you fine gents to your folly."

I asked him how long they had been married? He said, " Sixty years in October. You know Ego, when you are old, all that counts is love itself. But it is all that should have ever counted all along."

It was not his academics or understanding of human knowing that stirred my imagination, but it was the quote by Somerset Maugham that gave me the greatest pause...

" We are not the same persons this year as last, nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person."

His name is Pablo...

The Biology of Love...Ego
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