Thursday, April 30, 2015

Psychology or common sense?

"When are you going to stop running around trying to find answers to questions you already know?"

M T Lott
Trying to find the sum of his parts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We all mess up!

"Your messing up silly scale and the importance you place on your
messing up silly scale don't equal each other."

Dr Ego
Thought Placebo Reasearcher 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Without a shadow of doubt

"You may be a little crazy, but there is always that "maybe" in your favor."

The Shadow
The Umbra in us all

Sunday, April 26, 2015

No better

"Dr Ego told me to do something that requires practice to get better. I tried that theory and had
to give up golf and being nice."

Les Wrong
Therapy in progress. Do not disturb any further 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Am I strange?

"If you think you are strange, you are not impaired. It's only when you are not aware
of your strangeness that it becomes a strange thing."

Take care of your future!
Dr Ego
Thought Placebo Researcher

Friday, April 24, 2015

Are you serious?

"You say God wrote your life as a comedy. The trouble is, you are not an actor who knows how to play funny"

Izzy IsNess
Gypsy Girl

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Distinction of your goofyness

Your Lizard Brain exist for one purpose keep you alive.
All the extra lagniappe comes from your Monkey Mind.

Dr I B Thinking
Linguistic Medicine Man

Taking it on the road

"I've been asked if I do speaking engagements. I do, but until I can get it outsourced it will be to expensive."

Dr I B Thinking
Linguistic Medicine Man

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


"I need to go and see Dr Ego. I think someone hacked my brain."

Less Wrong
Therapy in progress. Do not disturb any further. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


This is a reminder, if you continue to visit this blog spot you will be administered "thought placebos". It is a rare occurrence, but you may find yourself becoming dependent on "thought placebos" or you may experience The Noplacebo Effect. Read the daily blogs at your own risk. 

Ego Prozac
Thought Placebo Researcher

Monday, April 20, 2015

Mad Cow

"Would mad cow dis-ease be considered the same as moo dis-order?"

Les Wrong
Therapy in progress
Do not disturb any further 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Question for Dado

Dado, why do you think God made man before woman?

Dado-"So it would give him enough time to think of an answer to her first question."

Dado- is our in resident photographer and IT consultant. He claims to be the It in us all, but  he thinks we have just never got around to It. Research has proven that the person taking a picture remembers less about a photo moment than the ones in the picture. You could say he is sacrificing his memory so the citizens of The Sane Asylum can have theirs. He's working on a camera filter that will filter out a person's beliefs as he takes their picture. He feels this will be a true image of the Neekid Self. Something to think about?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Let's make it simple

Guest Blog by Mark Manson:

As human beings, we have a limited amount of attention for all the stuff going on around us. Therefore, whether we realize it or not (usually not), we are always choosing what we pay attention to. The confirmation bias is the human mind’s tendency to notice and pay more attention to objects and experiences that match its preexisting thoughts and beliefs. It does this for the simple reason that it is biologically economical and efficient.

Mark Manson

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Mind-Guest Lecture Series

The Mind: Guest Lecturer; Alan Watts, 1915-1973

British born philosopher, writer an lecturer 

ENJOY 6 minutes with yourself!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Professor Al Bert

Prof. Al Bert
The Esteemed Selfie 
Porf. Al, why do you talk so much?

Prof. Al- "Because I know so much"!

Footnote: Quote by Prof. Al, submitted by relatives from down around Recknor.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Reflection

If you could sit on this park bench with anyone from your past or present,
who would it be?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Are you seeking happiness?

Don't seek happiness! Seek being free from your unhappiness. So stop trying to be happy. Start living.
As Mr Bill says, "make peace with yourself, and get along with it all".

Gypsy Girl
The Is Ness in us all

Saturday, April 11, 2015


If at first you don't succeed, you are about average. But I would not recommend skydiving.

M T Lott
Looking for the sum of his parts

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Moore Wright than wrong

They sent me to tell you, that your behavior decides who will stay in your life.

Moore Wright
New Immigrant

MOORE WRIGHT-a recent immigrant, is here because he married Mamie Dell Small. They live in a Yurk, out on the edge.  He only shows up when they tell him to deliver a message. We are not sure who "they" really are?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fan favorite Maybe, maybe not

                             One interpretation of your belief is correct the other is wrong.
                       Example: You probably believe that virgin wool is newly spun wool.
                              Virgin wool actually comes from the sheep that run the fastest.
                                                                                            Dr I B Thinking

Footnotes:Dr I B Thinking's post on Jan. 7 has been the most viewed post to date. Since that time the good Dr has change in appearance and choice of bow ties. 

Is this weird?

Les Wrong has a dog named C-A-Tee, and a cat named D-O-gee???

JES B RAMBLING-it is Jes B in present tense and Jes Been in past tense. Jes is a pilgrim and not seen a lot in public, but on occasions he will have something to point out. He usually likes to do nothing and seems he never gets finished of doing nothing. He relates often, that if you never start anything you will never have to finish.  Jes has a gift of finding Hysterical Sites. He will ponder and investigate well  before he documents his findings. He is credited with documenting several pseudo normal sites in The Sane Asylum. The best time to catch one of Jes's post will be when he is wandering around with purpose. In those states he is usually accompanied by our In Resident Photographer, Dado. He likes to piddle around with some of the homesteaders but his whereabouts are usually unknown.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Family history

Les, do any of your family members suffer from mental dis-ease?

Les-"No. They all seem to enjoy it". 

LESS WRONG-his therapy session is always in progress, so if you encounter him please do not disturb any further. He has many pairs of colorful reading glasses and on occasion will color his hair to match his eye wear. Less may offend you from time to time with his comments and he seems to take great pride in doing so. He thinks Dr Ego has a bad case of Selfie Esteem.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Our dark Shadow

N D Shadow

We all have14th century savage knowing in us all, just as we have compassion knowing.
The problem today is the 14th savage inside some have access to 21st centry weapons.

Staying in touch with your knowing of compassion is a beautiful thing.

The Shadow
The Umbra in us all

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Makes a "lot" of sense

Hey M T! How does a person make a change in their life?

M T- "There are two ways. You can  just start doing something different or you can stop doing
something you are doing."

M T Lott
Looking for the sum of his parts 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Feel the feeling, but don't become the emotion.


Dr I B Thinking
Linguistic Medicine Man

DR I B THINKING-is one of the original homesteaders and quiet active with his post to the public. The problem is Dr I B's brain wave vibes are a little different than most. His advice is usually well thought out, but you may need brain optimization treatment to understand his thinking. He believes language has created all of our illusions of beliefs about who we are, and if we can make that distinction,
we can change our beliefs which will change our reality. He seems to be playing the role of a linguistic medicine man. He likes his bow ties a lot!

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...