Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Entry Note To Self...rainy morning

Life At Windrush Lake
Rainy Morning...
Journal Entry: 1/20/18

It’s a little more than a drizzle this morning. In the back of the house I hear the alarm sound of a severe weather warning. I think to can only be one of two things. A flash flood warning or a tornado warning. Can’t do anything about either one. And besides, there are some things that can only be learned in a storm.

There is a very remote possibility that it could be a North Korea nuke warning but I think the warning sound would be different...more like Siri screaming at the top of her frequency, “duck tape your doors and windows,”  Don’t know, just a guess. I can’t do a lot about that one either.

So here I sit, a person, with not many troubles, healthy of mind, body and spirit. 

Enough of the Zen, pensive stuff. I almost stepped inside The Sane Asylum again. The Sane Asylum, as I call it, started out as an illusion that I created for myself. It went something like...What if one day we had to create an Asylum for the Sane? 

Think about could happen. What if being Sane became the abnormal and “they” have to put some of us away? Well, I think it would be a pretty good gig. Maybe they will give us Music and Art Therapy everyday, pills to make you forget and Maybe a little ECT when we forget... and we will be normal again.

I kinda like the idea... so this illusion has grown over these years as I try and act as Sane as I know how to be.

Each morning I rise and take my first steps into My Sane Asylum. Each day a little different in the have too’s and don’t want too’s, but do it anyway, it has to get done. Chores, I call them. Always a list of things to do. When those are done, or a least some of them, I get busy at My Want Too’s for the day.

I don’t have a list of those, I just make them up as I go. Usually on my morning walk I will ask myself, “What can I do today to be a better person?” Lol. Not really. I just ask myself...”Man what are you doing here?”’s one of those whiskey and cigar kind of days.
Quiet a gig...on a rainy morning

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