Monday, August 24, 2015

The Sane Asylum Classic


  1. Before there were Seat Belts .we played eye spy...before we looked at the scenery now seat belts and each child has a DVD as conversation is not occurring shame Merci Tres Bon Ego 🎵

  2. My father was the seat belt in those days, man you couldn't move an inch, even though he drove like a mad Frenchman. He would smile, and asked us the make and model of practically every car that went by. He loved cars, and I did too. Then he tell us to listen to all the sounds the car made, so we could guess where the noise was coming from. It was fun, however we had to know our stuff. This is probably the reason I became a researcher. The roads were many, he was a wanderer and adventurer, had a woman in every port so to speak. The car was his second home. On weekends he would take us on the road with no fixed destination. To this day I drive my car in the night, with no seat belt on. Feels good.


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