Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Clean Well Lighted Place

It was very late and everyone had left the cafe,
except an old man who sat in the
shadows. In the day time the street was dusty,
 but at night the dew settled the
dust. The old man liked to sit late because he was deaf
and now at night it was
quiet and he felt the difference. The two waiters inside the cafe
knew that the old
man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they
knew if he became to
drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him...


Arman Ayva
image not displayed


  1. I wish I could get a little drunk, I can't do the big drunk
    Even a few cups of coffee sends me dancing in the streets
    Imagine what wine can do to me on a night like this
    I did my rounds Doc, checked a few Asylum residents
    Found their visitors driving them bananas
    The natives a menace, growing restless and
    Tommy was doing his regular "Tommy He'll Figure"
    As I hung my head down, I wanted to yell out
    Give it a rest, we're human just like you
    A few tears passed then I laughed a little at myself
    For having dared to stick my neck out to see
    who was winning the game of "hide and seek"
    There's a cafe a few blocks away where we met
    see you there if you're going my way
    I feel tired and worn, if you don't mind
    Lend me your shoulder so I can lay
    my weary head which can never rest
    Let's put our backs to the wall
    I expect a few monkeys from the zoo
    Keep an eye on the door, as I recall while in the loo
    Make mine cafe latte, then I heard the drop of the other shoe
    I fainted and heard someone say "Is there a doctor in the house?"


  2. Thanks CatDG. Always enjoy your prose!

    1. I appreciate you liking them Doc, I write them for you, because you open up and let me share my feelings this way...Cat


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