Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lemme Think About It...E-motion

" Emotions are a record of your past and your body stores these records. Your body
       responds to these emotions...so your body is living in the past of e-motion."

So, with that said, it could be inferred that you are really not a pain in the ass, but just a pain from the past. See, you are ok!...

Your body is a map and storage house of every experience you have ever had.
So many of us carry repressed and trapped emotions within multiple areas of our bodies, without even knowing it. In fact, we can go for years, even decades, completely oblivious to the blocked energy our muscles are holding on to. This repressed energy is responsible for countless ailments and chronic health conditions that cause us great suffering.
The fact is that your body doesn’t forget.

Human Conservancy...evolving

How does the mind evolve?

That question was on my mind this morning. I just could not let go of it for some reason. I must say it bothered me. Much like the reaccuring thought of a root canal gone bad. EVOLVE???

It seems to me that civilizations have evolved through some form of strategic forgetting. Maybe a forgetting of what were once considered vital life skills.

For example, the farm era may have morphed itself when the farm worker realized they could let go of all their woodland lore, their skills for animal tracking, and other bits of information that seemed vital coming form the hunting and gathering era. And, hey, they got wind there might be a good living in pork belly.

Now let's move forward in time. When societies industrialised, then reading and writing became vital, and the knowledge of ploughing and harvesting could fall by the wayside...and so the mind forget those bits of information.

As you are so astulaty aware, many of us get lost without our smartphone GPS. So what's next? Dirverless cars? With driverless cars, will we forget how to drive ourselves?

I'm guessing we will be surrounded by voice-recognition Articial Intelligence that can phrase the most beautiful and appropriate utterances for us all. 

Hell, we may even forget how to spell. And does it really matter?...Doc

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...