Sunday, April 28, 2019

Inside The Sane Asylum...Things I like

On this Sunday morning what shall I scribble in my Journal?
Maybe it will be just a few of the things I like...

For instance, the name Mitford A. Fontaine I like for some reason. It sounds like a character that might be in a James Lee Burke novel. I love fresh peach pie in July, especially from this little hole in the wall restaurant called Strawn's. I like Sunday morning walks in April when the chill of the air brings out my ole sweater. Unexpected friendships, bookstores, people who laugh to hard to tell their own joke, those tiny bottles of tobacco sauce, cordless vacuum cleaners, people who whistle, when kids on a school bus wave at me and I wave back, and any song by John Prine. I love potato salad sandwiches on white bread with a slice of tomato.

That just reminded me of how much I like tomato plants staked up with old knee-high panty hose, like the ones my grandmother wore to church on Sunday. I always wondered why they called those panty hose when they just came up to the knee. 

Somehow those hose always got a run in ’em before two or three Sundays were over, or the tops would stretch out and they’d gather down around the ankles. A true Southern lady, would never be caught like that, or without their lipstick.

My grandmother, or Ma as she was known, never threw anything away if it could be used again...and so it was with her saggy knee high panty hose. She’d tie up her rose bushes and her tomato plants with them. I always wondered if that’s why the roses smelled good and her homegrown tomatos sandwiches tasted so sweet. Which just led me to realize, I’m kinda glad she never converted to real panty hose! 

Ma, I like this picture of you trying to ride a bike for the first time. I like my two favorite uncle's trying to hold you up. I keep it close by, so on the days I think about the things I love, I can think of you...again.

Mitford A. Fontaine, wherever you are, I love your name! 

Wishing you sunny days. I am taking a road trip this week, so will see you soon. I hope you will drop by again. My regards...

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