Saturday, June 16, 2018

Inside The Sane Asylum...Saturn retrograde

The June Full Moon Conversation between Dr. Ego and Jess Ben Rambling 

Doc: “Well Jess, here we are again pondering away our lives looking for the full moon.

Jess: Yep, I can’t believe I stopped doing nothing to come listen to your philosophy about the full Moon again.

Doc: Well Jess, the June full moon is a very important one. It is dominated by a powerful conjunction to Saturn retrograde. During the next two weeks you are likely to feel more serious than usual and experience sadness, guilt, fear, restriction or inhibition. They even say it affects your memory and you can’t afford to loose anymore memory Jess.

Jess: Did I tell you I went to see the doctor about my memory loss?

Doc: No you didn’t mention that. What did he tell you.

Jess: Well when I told him I was experiencing memory loss, he said  I would have to pay in advance.

Doc: I can’t remember the last time I forgot something.

Jess: Doc, do you know the more you say the less I remember?
Doc:  Jess, I think a clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. And there is another thing for you to think about...doing nothing is actually doing something...
Jess: Have you ever heard the saying, never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely?

Doc: I don’t remember that one but why remember quotes when you can make them up? Jess, do you ever wonder why "abbreviation" is such a long word?

Jess: Doc, sometimes I think I might be crazy.

Doc: Why is that Jess?

Jess: I sometimes feel I am schizophrenic. Am I crazy?

Doc: Probably, we are all crazy, but you have an advantage over most.

Jess: How’s that?

Doc: You know it...and besides, this full moon thing is working against you.

Jess: Well Doc, I think you just made all that s**t up...just now.

Doc: Jess, I think this waxing gibbous is getting to you.

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

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