From on the road...
I observed an ole man today, just goofing off
Journal Entry: 1/15/18
It was just after sunrise and we were getting ready to leave our mooring. He walked by and said, ”how's your monkey mind today?"
The local proprietor told us to pay him no mind...that's just ole Dolittle, as we call him. Another young fellow chimed in and said ”he has mastered the fine art of goofing off."
Now in no way did I want to leave with that perception of Dolittle, so I followed him up the dock and caught up with him just as he was about to bait his hook.
”How’s it going?”
”Don’t know just yet. My hooks not in the water. If you don’t mind, you are standing where I want to sit.”
He took his ole five gallon bucket, turned it upside down and sat where I had been standing.
”Not much of a seat, but it will do for a poor man. I'm so poor that when I die they can bury me without pockets. For that matter they can bury me without clothes, but don't open the casket. After all, underneath all them clothes people wear they are neeked. There is a difference you know between being neeked and being naked. Being neeked is like your getting away with something. Naked is just like being without clothes...I like being neeked."
He gave me a wink and a grin. ”Yep, I was so poor growing up that tumble weeds were my pets."
I asked him what he thought about the city folks that occasionally make it out this way.
He quickly replied, ”I think they are as windy as a sack full of farts."
”Had me that whatchamacallit.”
”You mean this thingamajig?”
”Yes, but that is a whatchamacallit not a thingamajig.”
”What’s the difference?”
”Everybody knows a thingamajig is something useful and a whatchamacallit is something made for no apparent reason unless you want to put something init.”
”Well in my part of the world, it may be called a doodad.”
”Nah, a doodad and whatnot are them things you buy at flea markets that weren’t no good to start with but everybody gotta have one when you find em. Geeeez mister, you must be from the city or a yank from North Louisiana.”
A fine day it was in conversation with a man just goofing off.
His name is Ambrose.