Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Life Inside The Sane Asylum...National Nothing Day

Conversation between Dr. Ego Prozac and Jess Ben Rambling...

Doc: Hey Jess, did you know today was National Nothing Day?

Jess: Is it an “official” holiday?

Doc: No, that would require an official act of Congress.

Jess: Well I think Congress has been celebrating Nothing Day for years, but given that its point is to be a non-event, that doesn’t really matter, does it?

Doc: Of course it's not an official holiday. That would totally defy the whole meaning of the day in the first place, but I notice you celebrate doing nothing on a regular basis.

Jess: This is proof positive I know nothing about Nothing, but it seems the beauty of the concept of nothingness is that it’s full of possibility: It isn’t anything, so it can be everything. So, why should we limit the observation of the holiday to one very specific day? 

Doc: Happy National Nothing Day Jess.

Jess: Wishing someone a happy National Nothing Day kind of defeats the purpose of it, no? 

Doc: Seems to me this is a lot to do about nothing.

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