Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Pick one...they all work!

Welcome your daily visitors...

I posted this one in the early infancy of The Sane Asylum. Think about it on occasions, especially when I find my self in a mood change. We all have them, hell I have three or four different moods a day. There are a few of mine that you may not want to see. What an ass I can be. Like my good friend Jess once said, "never fly off the handle when your full of shit." Well I do and then move on to the next stranger that strolls through my mind. Funny thing, they all do work. Some days it's like a theme park in my head. I know you think bull shit comes from bulls but encounter one of my bat shit raving spells and you will know you are wrong. Make no mistake, I always say what I mean, I just may not mean to say it out loud. Some days I just need to wear a sign, "don't upset me, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies." I recall a gift from my staff on my 50th birthday. It was a t shirt, on one side it read "therapy in progress..." the other side read "do not disturb any further." I need to find that shirt.

There are some days I wake up and say, "Life, I am finally happy today." Then life says, "Oh no we can't have that, let me throw in some misery and suffering." Wouldn't it be much easier if life just sent you a text saying, "today is going to suck." Some days every damn sad song you hear, you think they wrote the lyrics just for you. That sucks! As you get older there is a strange feeling that comes over you once in a while. It is that feeling you thought you forgot. Now that really sucks.

Let me ask you something...do you ever get tired of chasing your dreams? Well if you do, just ask them where they are going and catch up with them later. Life is really a grand adventure. Never easy, so we enroll in meditation classes that teach you how to breathe. Imagine that. Or go green, or buy you a yoga suit and mat, or maybe just get up each day and try to be the best person you can be. Knowing you may fall short at times but then there are other times that remind you of the beauty of humanity.

And there are those people in your life that think they know how you should act
 and be. Those you would like to say, "I didn't know you were an expert on running my life. Keep talking and let me take notes." It's your life. It will be over way to soon. Life is not easy, but I promise, it's worth it. Was it a line from Steel Magnolias? I think it was..."I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood forty years." Smile, sense beauty in all things, express gratitude, and experience forgiveness...Doc

The Human Conservancy...field office

"My greatest fear is not that I will have no one to care for me,
but I will have no one to care for."
I asked her about loss...

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...