Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lessons From Inside The Sane Asylum

The Gratitude of Grace

Once upon a time and place
You will find a moment of grace.

In that moment births an ocean of peace
Inside... a space that will never leave you.

Distractions will come inside your space
Distractions will go, but peace will stay.

Once upon a time and place
Distractions will go and peace will stay.
Then my friends you find your grace.

Lessons From The Heart...

Common Humanity...

My heart crying out in pain
As I silently sing your name...humanity

My bones now stiff and unwelcoming to the cold and rain
A craving for comfort demanding I board the human train.

But my soul ever whispering a secret of a common humanity...

Will I always find you hidden so deep...within this cave of my heart
as I softly say your name...humanity

My face now reflected in the mirror of time
insults me with Indelicacy of aging
but I still whisper your name...

I know I will not out run the racing hours and days
my flesh will crumble as my soul is thrown onto the wheel of lifetimes

but remember my heart always sings the secret of a common humanity...

From Inside The Sane Asylum

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