Wednesday, April 20, 2016

From The Study...A conversation of possibilities. Discovering ourselves

What's right with humans...
It would appear, that anger is caused by harm, and fear is caused by
the prospect of harm. Actually, the causes of anger and fear are identical.
Only in the case pf anger, usually these things have occurred, where as
fear, there is usually merely the prospect that they will occur.
From this consideration we arrive at a familiar fact, namely,
that fear and anger go hand in hand, are caused by the same thing
In different stages so to speak. One travels on the heals of the other
or, better said, "one transformed into the other."
Another qualifying point...a person's sense of adequacy also influences the situation.
If a person feels adequate to cope with the given stimulus, they will become angry...if not
They tend to become afraid!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

From The Study...a conversation on possibilities

What are the stimuli which arouse the impulse to escape in human beings?
The word which first presents itself in answer to the question is danger.
Fear is aroused by danger. This in turn leads to the question...danger to what?
The concept becomes enlarged if we say that a man will become
afraid if he detects danger physically, emotionally, and especially beliefs.
The concept can be enlarged still further if again the biological purpose
of fear is to ensure survival.

This makes sense particularly if survival is thought of not merely in terms of physical
existence, but survival of the ego, survival of personality, survival as somebody rather than

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A funny thing happened on the way to therapy...

Change happens when the pain of remaining  the same
becomes greater than the pain of change...

The Human Soul Speaks...

I go down to the ocean in the morning and depending on the hour
the waves are moving in or moving out and I say,
"I'm am miserable today, what shall, what should I do?"
And the sea says in her persistent quiet voice,
"Hush now, for I have much work to do."

Friday, April 8, 2016

Front Porch Psychology

Our lives are governed by nothing more than a string of glorified best guesses,
a constant  process of trial and error.
So what's the problem?

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...