Issued by The Sane Asylum Hysterical Society
The SAHS has elected to turn off the comment section for Dr Prozac's blog spot.
It seems the citizens were unanimous in their belief, that they do not care what anyone thinks.
This may be a good example of "collective consciousness ??"At the least, it's a strong shared belief.
They feel it is just none of their business what other people thinks and this should not be confused with not Intrested in what others think. JUST NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.
Committee on Committees
LIFE INSIDE THE SANE ASYLUM-just an illusion. Don't take it serious!! It's just a hobby. I don't really know how I got this blog up and running. Once it popped up on the screen, I had to write something. Now it has become a community of Altered Selfies or basically a halfway house for Altered Selfies. Most of all, I hope it will be perceived as a preservation site for those of sound mind.