Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stopped To Ponder Series...think about ponder?

Dr Ego Prozac shared Margaret Issaacs's post with you.

I reshare this from my Google+ friend, +Margaret Issaacs 
Seemed liked something to ponder...
Margaret Issaacs

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  1. Geminis are such delightful people, they can make YOU THINK,,,therefore they exist. Stop and think....

  2. May I just pen..a thought ...I wish to not think ..or stop...merci Ego 🌀

    1. I wish the same, only in meditation I'm able to quietened my mind from thinking whatever it wants to...or there's always the "Tiny Yellow Pill" on the tongue it goes, feels good from your head, down to your toes, then your mind will close. Sorry I forgot it's name.


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