Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum

"I just had a think...had one of those lately?"
Izzy IsNess

Izzy is a Gypsy girl that pulls her companion around in her wagon.
She lives in one of those minimalist shipping container houses down by the branch.
Says she came here from somewhere else, but we think she has been here all along.
She always has a smile on her face. Like she knows something we don't.
Izzy claims to be the Is Ness in us all.


  1. Oh boy does Izzy know something others don't, that is why she always wears a smile ;- ) She also thoroughly enjoys pondering on the thought that there are other wondering minds out there that are curious about the IsNess within themselves - dig a little deeper and you will find your own Izzy within yourself!

  2. Oh boy does Izzy know something others don't, that is why she always wears a smile ;- ) She also thoroughly enjoys pondering on the thought that there are other wondering minds out there that are curious about the IsNess within themselves - dig a little deeper and you will find your own Izzy within yourself!


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