*One Dimensional Conscience In A Multidimensional World*
Never in my life time have I experienced as much change. Lets just do a short list...beliefs, values, ethics, moral binding, environmental issues , religious clashes, believers vs. nonbelievers, clash of cultures, freedom rights, civil liberties, nuclear controls, child sex slaves, addictions, prejudice, anarchy, world health, social networking, cyber war, unrest with capitalism and democracy results, war and saber rattling, migration, over population, world poverty, the gap between have and have not’s, treatment resistant virus's, pandemics, aging population, growing number of youth unemployment worldwide, pressures on monarchies, unrest within the oppressed, immigration laws, terrorist, disease, food and water shortage, climate change, political parties, and politicians so bad world wide they have a category all there own. I don't know about you but many of these are new stuff for me to ponder as I deal with my own personal Sh_. I know they have always been there, just out of awareness.
I'm not sure what questions will be answered in the future that might prove the choices we are making today will be detrimental to our soundness of mind, but I think this is an important distinction that is yet to be answered.
We must not fret...Regardless what we call this period...it is still our beautiful life! Live it. Be a decent, conscience aware being. Understand what brings dis-ease into your life and what brings you ease. We still have some choices to make.
I will leave you with a gift that came from the talented writer, Dorothy Lin..._”a simple replacement of thought could be your achievement of a life time."_
Bloom where you are planted. Make peace with yourself and just get along with it all...Doc
Photo Art: Chip Simons
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