Friday, October 14, 2016

From Inside The Sane Asylum...Who Dat Whodunnit

You remember Who Dat post? Well just received this correspondence from Who Dat and wanted to share with you his tale as he saw his behavior this past weekend and my response...

Dear Doc.
Well yes I am a part of the  Who Dat Nation!! and Whodunnit  will try and break this down for ya'll. First the large juice jar is pretty appetizing after a couple of them. And yes my middle name is Hurricane with experience!! 
Moving on, yes I did have the lucky socks on my hands, but it didn't work out the way I wanted it to. But with that being said, I don't remember screaming, must have been the juice jar, yea it was the juice.
This Saturday I will need more than socks on my hands to win, maybe one LARGE GRANDE SOCK to cover my body!!  That's a great idea Whodunnit, yeah that's the ticket!!
With all that being said, thank you Doc for keeping your word and making me my first post!
See you on my next appointment Doc.
Peace, I'm out,
Who Dat Whodunnit

My response...

Dear Who Dat Hurricane Whodunnit...

Always a pleasure making someone a first. I'm not sure about the juice jar elixir evoking primal screams but if that's the way you experience it we will explore that during your next appointment...seems you may have been potty trained much to early, but we will leave that for another discussion. Maybe it was those long trips you took to the out house growing up in Tennessee. I say that from experience. I remember well in the deep woods of Louisiana, hearing similar screams. Usually when the Sears & Robuck catalog was all used may have those experiences blocked in your deep subconscious...a topic for another session. We have made a few changes in our office so when you come for your next appointment the meds will be on the left and the straight jackets on the right. We also need to revisit your day passes and curfew times.

At any rate, just forget the grande sock. You might just try a full body orange spray on. Glow in the dark stuff. The color goes well with the juice jar elixir and hell it makes it easier for us to find you in the dark should you be late for curfew...

Lol...good write Who Dat Hurricane are showing great promise...did you really eat those rum pickled eggs?

Kind regards,
Dr Ego Prozac...Underground 
Primate Zoo Keeper
The Sane Asylum

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