Monday, October 10, 2016

From Inside The Sane Asylum...glancing blow

Glancing Blow...yep, made it through the acquaintance with Sir Matthew...What a ride! I stayed holed up at this hotel about ten miles inland from the barrier island. Weathered it pretty well. Great hotel and staff that seemed to have practiced this routine as a critical emergency. 

Never will forget the first evening of the stay. I ventured to the lobby to see what liquid entertainment might be had. As I entered the lobby there was a mass of people. Picture this...all of the baby boom and greatest generation generation. I thought I had died and God placed me at Live Oak Retirement Center. Made me grin of course.

My first thought..."I selected a very safe bunker. I'm sure they would know the safest." Then I remembered the settlers of Denver. Seems they were headed west to find their fortunes in gold but got to the foot of the Rockies and said something to the effect, " Hell NO!".  They stopped right there. Think that may be the case with these settlers. Headed west with their lady and their walkers to save one last day of toddy time. Got ten miles west, saw the first hotel and said "Hell No!" Stopped right here. What a sight.

Toddy time it was. George and Mertle talking to Bernice and Bernie. Harry was out of it, sitting on the coffee table looking at the fish in the aquarium. His wife Bert standing close by ruminating if she turned on the porch light, or something like that. Then there was this one that came gliding by...Walked right up to me with a wine in hand and said " I own the mortuary in Flagler Beach." Now that was funny as hell! I mean really funny. After I finished bending over from laughter it only seemed reasonable for me to ask the name of his Mortuary. " Creg's with a C". Now that was funny too. "Well Creg, with a C, so nice to meet you", finally breached my lips. "No, my name is Allen and this is my wife named Mary", he spouted. Now that was funny...back home today and all is well with a grin on my face thinking about Allen and his wife Mary...Thanks Allen. Hope all are well...forgot to ask if Allen is with one L or two?...Doc


  1. Great, Dr Ego. You are back with your very own quirky sense of humor. Enjoyed reading this, immensely!I am sure I'll never be able to borrow this style.

  2. Thanks Sushama. Not much style to my scribblings...


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