Dr Ego Prozac...Underground
That's right, a name change. Now I could start spouting my opinion
about Personal Development. But I'm not. What actually
happened...I just thought Dr. Ego Prozac's name needed something
to distinguish it as being different. Hell I don't even know what
Underground symbolizes. In the old days, I went to a record shop
named Underground...but it was actually Underground. Went to an
underground pub once. Or maybe twice.. I remember this great
bookstore in Denver named Underground...or was it Tattered
Covers? Dr Ego Prozac'sTattered Covers. Something to ponder
for my next change. Back to thebookstore. It was a great bookstore,
but of course that was when we had bookstores. Change...now
ain't that some shits? I hope you saw the post on Two Shits?
about Personal Development. But I'm not. What actually
happened...I just thought Dr. Ego Prozac's name needed something
to distinguish it as being different. Hell I don't even know what
Underground symbolizes. In the old days, I went to a record shop
named Underground...but it was actually Underground. Went to an
underground pub once. Or maybe twice.. I remember this great
bookstore in Denver named Underground...or was it Tattered
Covers? Dr Ego Prozac'sTattered Covers. Something to ponder
for my next change. Back to thebookstore. It was a great bookstore,
but of course that was when we had bookstores. Change...now
ain't that some shits? I hope you saw the post on Two Shits?
The act or instance of making or becoming different...now I gave this some thought. What could one do to
change and experience the act or instance of making or becoming different? Your name. Pure logic...
What else could it be. Just make or become different in an instant. Now there is a whole field of psychology
devoted to change. They deal with behavior and break down behavior into pieces and one learns each peace attime...or something like that. You get the picture...right? Requires waiting. It can be looked at from a philosophical level as well.
Its simply when one has an intent on seeing life unfold in the now and evolve to meet the changes of life itself.
So...I think the bigger issue for psychology is "waiting".
Waiting entails waiting for something. And it is the something that we’re after.
Or maybe it’s something that we’re trying to avoid. The something could be
something horrible, but waiting for something horrible to happen doesn’t make
waiting any better.The problem, or reality, is that life requires a lot of waiting.
Like a lot, a lot. Couldn't wait...I wanted instant change. So there you have it.
Or maybe it’s something that we’re trying to avoid. The something could be
something horrible, but waiting for something horrible to happen doesn’t make
waiting any better.The problem, or reality, is that life requires a lot of waiting.
Like a lot, a lot. Couldn't wait...I wanted instant change. So there you have it.
Dr. Ego Prozac...Underground.
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