Sunday, July 10, 2016

From The Study...a conversation of possibility

The collision between one’s image of oneself and what one actually is is always very painful and there are two things you can do about it, you can meet the collision head-on and try and become what you really are or you can retreat and try to remain what you thought you were, which is a fantasy, in which you will certainly perish.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep. Radical acceptance trumps experiental avoidance.

  3. Yep. Radical acceptance trumps experiental avoidance.

  4. Be true to oneself and you will know who you are to start with...we all wear different hats now and then...but down deep we know who we really are ....


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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...