Thursday, December 31, 2015

From the Study...a conversation of possibilities

As I am sitting at my desk on the eve of a new year, I am reminded of a quote from
a young writer in Melbourne, Australia by the name of Beau Tarplin...Beau, please
forgive me if I do not get it goes something like this...

"Don't stress so much about settling on a path for 2016.
The division of time into years is a human invention,
And the fact is, every moment of every day is an opportunity for resolution and growth.
So, when the fireworks fly, relax and enjoy the moment.
The rest will come to you." we honor the passing of 2015, I leave you with my prayer...

For those I may have wronged, I ask for your forgiveness.
For those I may have helped, I wish I could have done more.
For those I could have helped, I ask for understanding.
For those who have helped me, I am grateful.

Resolved to sense more beauty, express more forgiveness, and experience more
forgiveness...Ego, my friends call me Doc.


  1. You have helped me Doc and still help me with those words.Thanks for being Doc.Best wishes to you :)

  2. Beautifully said. Happy New Year, my friend. Shirl

  3. Thank you Doc, forever in your keeping, laughing weeping...


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