Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Sane Asylum Wisdom Series


  1. Maybe there is some truths ..but one day I share the other side ,Merci Ego 🍁🍁

  2. I would like to share further on Jung's thesis of archetypes.
    Archetypes belong to the spiritual sphere, we cannot know an archetype directly. It appears in the consciousness by the mediation of symbolic contents and motifs that are constantly repeated in historical and cultural forms such as myths, beliefs, art, and the customs of different epochs and cultural circles. Archetypes are the basic elements of the “collective unconscious”. motifs come from primordial models of the human spirit that are transmitted not only by tradition, but also by "inheritance". The structure of the archetype is bipolar. It has a constructive and destructive aspect. The archetype of the SELF is the highest archetype, while God is the archetype that represents general psychic energy, and the hierarchically highest object of direct religious experience. "One can see where great human problems come from"


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