Our mind is not our brain. We actually have two minds, one is habitual and the other volitional. The habitual controls 98% of our day. Maybe a little more if we could measure that kind of stuff. It is developed by our evolutional time, culture, DNA, experiences, environment, etc.. The habitual mind sets our beliefs, values and the frequency, intensity and duration of emoting in your limbic system. It forms the psychological illusion of who we think we are, that will help protect the beliefs of the habitual mind.
Through the attachment of awareness, a second Mind can be formed. It is the volitional. It helps develop our psychological immune system and protects us from ourself. It requires mental attention and a lot of self grace along the way.
At some point along our journey, the bud may become a flower and Ego will fear no longer, releasing us from the shackles of cause and effect...
One is the Lotus roots and the other the flower...
Make peace with yourself.