Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Life Inside The Sane Asylum Series-view on dying

Mr Bill, what do you think dying will be like?
"I think it will be like going to sleep and never waking up."

MR BILL-96 year old Bar B Q Pitt master. He is an uncommon man that has made peace with it all. He might lie a little bit to make up a good story but you will never feel cheated. He will only post when he is asked a question. He smells like smoke and plays solitary when not lying


  1. Going to sleep and never waking up!! I like to wish there more to this...this level of life is to damn short, got to be more then this...

  2. Just in case this is all, I'm trying my best to be sound of mind to experience it. Regards to you Trina.


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