Tuesday, March 31, 2015

100th Post

Photo by In Resident Photographer: Dado
The Hysterical Society is treating the citizens to warm Loco beer and re-fried bacon down at Bacons.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Smart phone blues

I'm going to sue AT&T. They should have known by looking at me not to sell me a smart phone.

Jes B Rambling
Pseudo Normal Site Investigator 

JES B RAMBLING-it is Jes B in present tense and Jes Been in past tense. Jes is a pilgrim and not seen a lot in public, but on occasions he will have something to point out. He usually likes to do nothing and seems he never gets finished of doing nothing. He relates often, that if you never start anything you will never have to finish.  Jes has a gift of finding Hysterical Sites. He will ponder and investigate well  before he documents his findings. He is credited with documenting several pseudo normal sites in The Sane Asylum. The best time to catch one of Jes's post will be when he is wandering around with purpose. In those states he is usually accompanied by our In Resident Photographer, Dado. He likes to piddle around with some of the homesteaders but his whereabouts are usually unknown.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Perturbations? They are things that go bump in your mind.

Thought Placebo Researcher

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Moment to moment

This week, try and make a happy moment last a bit longer. 

Gypsy Girl

Friday, March 27, 2015

I feel better now

I just had brain optimization therapy so I could be more in alignment with Les Wrong.

Dr I B Thinking
Linguistic Medicine Man

DR I B THINKING-is one of the original homesteaders and quiet active with his post to the public. The problem is Dr I B's brain wave vibes are a little different than most. His advice is usually well thought out, but you may need brain optimization treatment to understand his thinking. He believes language has created all of our illusions of beliefs about who we are, and if we can make that distinction,
we can change our beliefs which will change our reality. He seems to be playing the role of a linguistic medicine man. He likes his bow ties a lot!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


To sum up this therapy session, I think it is safe to say, that your intuition my have lied to you.
You can't always believe what you tell yourself.

Dr Ego Prozac
Thought Placebo Reasearcher 

DR EGO PROZAC or PROZAK if pharmaceutical companies start objecting. Ego thinks he is some sort of a Thought Researcher. He believes that since the placebo effect works 28% of the time, "thought placebos", can be developed and when used by individuals, 28% will achieve a greater state of  "brain ease ". He does warn that the side effects of his therapy may lead to a dependency on "thought placebos " or you may experience Nocebo(nothing at all). He likes to challenge your beliefs and feels if you have never questioned your beliefs then you have never believed them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

VISA issued-N D Shadow


N D thinks he is an action hero called "The Shadow".
He claims to be the Umbra in us all.
Don't really know where he resides, but stays in the shade a lot.
He has been spotted on several occasions around the Gypsy girl's house.
Watch for him! He resembles Moe Dark. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

VISA issued- M.T. Lott


M T Lott is a distant cousin to the Frenchman, Meaux D 'Lawn.
He does not seem to have much going for him but at least he has a "lot" to build on.
MT hits the ground running each day and stays busy gathering his thoughts and looking for the sum of his parts.
He is recovering from Corporate Addiction and lives down at the end of the street on the left.
MT likes blooming idioms and thinks everyone should have a few.
His whole is greater than the sum of his parts.
He is an employed Self.

Footnote: ancestral information on Meaux D'Lawn furnished by Jes B Rambling

Monday, March 23, 2015

VISA issued-Izzy IsNess


Izzy is a Gypsy girl that pulls her companion around in her wagon.
She lives in one of those minimalist shipping container houses down by the branch.
Says she came here from somewhere else, but we think she has been here all along.
She always has a smile on her face. Like she knows something we don't.
Izzy claims to be the Is Ness in us all.

We look forward to her post. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

I'm really sick!

Dr Ego said my mind was infected with a contagious "Thought Virus".
He said it had symptoms like a Thought Parasite.

To me, it feels like it's just a Thought Poacher sneaking around.

Les Wrong
Therapy in Progress
Do not disturb any further 

LES WRONG-his therapy session is always in progress, so if you encounter him please do not disturb any further. He has many pairs of colorful reading glasses and on occasion will color his hair to match his eye wear. Les may offend you from time to time with his comments and he seems to take great pride in doing so.  Les spells his name Les and other times Less. He claims sometimes he is Les and other times he is more or Less. He thinks Dr Ego has a bad case of Selfie Esteem.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Questions from the public

"What is the Sane Asylum?"

 It is a blog spot where there are illustrations of mental hygiene and/or
a halfway house for Altered Selfies. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Today's News 3/20/15

from Inside the Sane Asylum

Coming soon- New VISA'S will be issued to three new Pilgrims. They have demonstrated they are just enough crazy to be deemed Sound of Mind. 
On March 31st the citizens will celebrate their 100th post. They will be treated to refried bacon and Loco beer down at Bacons. 

The citizens  have removed the comment section from their post page. They said they do not care what anyone thinks, that it is really none of their business. 
Pass this newsletter along to your friends and invite them to click on: dregoprozac.blogspot.com and insidethesaneasylum.blogspot.com
Ego Prozac

Change of mind

Ura Aging
Sister of Imma Wrinkling
                            Stop worrying about getting old and start worrying about thinking old!

Ura is the sister of Imma Wrinking. They are Ole Maid school teachers. They are retired and live in Mira, a small township in The Sane Asylum. On most days you can spot them sitting on their front porch drinking Pappy Van Winkle. No one knows how they acquired the Pappy but it seems to help their arthritis. I think it is their good looks. They stay busy making casserole dishes and posting on Facebook. On rare occasions, they have been spotted late at night, skinny dipping in the mill pond. Must be the Pappy taking hold? Ura carries a pistol in her purse and drives a vintage pickup.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Sane Asylum
A preservation site for those of sound mind


Dr Ego Prozac
Jes B Rambling
Dr I B Thinking
Less Wrong
Moore Wright
Mr Bill
Amy G Dala
Ole Goat Man
Ura Aging
MT Lott
Izzy IsNess
ND Shadow


Buck Neekid Aged Cheese Straws

Photos by: In resident photographer and IT consultant, Dado

Public Notice - Don't give a hoot ??

Issued by The Sane Asylum Hysterical Society

The SAHS has elected to turn off the comment section for Dr Prozac's blog spot. 

It seems the citizens were unanimous in their belief, that they do not care what anyone thinks.

This may be a good example of "collective consciousness ??"At the least, it's a strong shared belief. 

 They feel it is just none of their business what other people thinks and this should not be confused with not Intrested in what others think. JUST NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. 

Committee on Committees

LIFE INSIDE THE SANE ASYLUM-just an illusion. Don't take it serious!! It's just a hobby. I don't really know how I got this blog up and running. Once it popped up on the screen, I had to write something. Now it has become a community of Altered Selfies or basically a halfway house for Altered Selfies. Most of all, I hope it will be perceived as a preservation site for those of sound mind. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Jes Ben Rambling
Dr Ego just told me my Give a Crapper was in remission!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Color the street green


Go to; insidethesaneasylum.blogspot.com or tab on page two of this blog to see the Story of It All.

Monday, March 16, 2015

How fast are you aging?

Ura Aging
Sister of Imma Wrinkling

Did you know the speed of dark is faster than the speed of light?

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Les is more or Less

Les, I noticed that sometimes you spell your name Les and sometimes you spell it Less.

Les-"well sometimes I am Les, and sometimes I'm more or Less."

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Doing the right thing

We do not always do the right thing. That's our akrasia. We are all guilty.
There are several steps you can take to lessen your die-ease with the event.
You can get over it, which never works, or you can learn to live with it, which helps to some degree.
The best way to lower the dis-ease is to Just Make Peace with yourself and get along with it all.
Your greatest teacher was your last mistake.

Take care of your future!

Friday, March 13, 2015

New features

A new page has been added to the layout of our blog. You should see the additional page tab to the right of the daily blog post. This page will link you directly to The Sane Asylum where you can see our sponsors and The Story of It All.

Don't forget to grin. It lets me know somebody's at home.


Thought Placebo Researcher

Drama drama drama

I'm sorry, but I really don't care about listening to you about your drama. I'm having to deal with my own dillusions. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Did you mean hello?

Amy G Dala
Emotional memory keeper

The next time someone greets you with "high", just respond by saying "no are you?"
If they respond back,"higher than the Goodyear blimp", then you know they have read this blog. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The Sane Asylum Hysterical Society 

The SAHS would like to announce that they have approved three new Visa's for entry into the Sane Asylum. These Altered Selfie's will be presented to the public when we finalize their paper work.  They have identified themselves as, M T Lott, Izzy Isness and The Shadow. They will be joining us soon. 

SAHS would also like to re-mind you, that the best way to view life from inside the Sane Asylum is to first go to the blog Insidethesaneasylum.blogspot.com and read about the story of it all. Then go back and read all the posts from the beginning on the Dregoprozac.blogspot.com. These are short reads. 

If you would like to make a donation to the Preservation Site for Sound Minds, forget about it!
They are a pretty self reliant group. 

The Committee on Committees

After 96 years

Mr Bill
Bar B Q Pitmaster

Mr Bill- why you think you have lived so long?

Mr Bill-"By minding my own business."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Important announcements coming tomorrow from our Hysterical Society

even the mentally dis-eased

They sent me here to tell you that we all have a desperate need to see ourselves as meaningful.
Even when we are not.

Moore Wright
The Emmergrant 

Monday, March 9, 2015

On second thought

For self protection, your brain has an evolutionary predisposition to always think the worst.
So, give everything a second thought.

Don't forget to have a little fun.
Les Wrong

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Are you a craz ya?

When you know what you should do but choose a different course of action.
This behavior is called Akrasia.
So what? Your better judgement may be wrong.

Remember you become what you think about.
Dr I B Thinking

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Normal family?

If you are the only sane person in your family, you will appear insane to your family.

Dr I B Thinking

Friday, March 6, 2015

10,000 steps a day

Mr Bill
Bill's Bar B Q
Mr Bill, your 93, why do you walk so fast?
Mr Bill-"to stay in shape. You never know when you might have to run."

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Keep trying

Worry is when you forget to remember to forget.

Take care of your future!
Dr Ego

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Another Sane Asylum Hysterical Site

Photo by Dado
Close up of compass proving that West Street runs North and South.
This is a true but untold story

Photo by Dado
Jess Rambling was last seen around the Austin area where he went to investigate another psudo normal site.
Seems that at this intersection West Street is actually running North and South. Another odd thing about the corner, it
appears to be a stop sign for only Presstitutes?
I think Jess is on to something!! Lets keep Jess and his cameraman Dado in our thoughts as they continue to uncover more psudo normal sites. Last report they were considered shut ins and burning candles. These psudo normal sites affect men in strange ways??

Monday, March 2, 2015

Where North crosses South

Photo by Dado
Life inside the Sane Asylum as Jes B Rambling  or as we refer to him in the past as Jes  Been  Rambling.

At the corner where North crosses South?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

What's your sign?

Les said God had sent him a sign. He saw a "Help Wanted for Sheep Herder" sign. 

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Entry Note To Self...the art of living

Journal Entry: 12/12/18 The Art Of Living How we choose what we do, and how we approach it…will determine whether the sum of our days ...